Concrete Pavers

Give Your Amherst and Hollis, NH, Front Yard a New Look With a Noticeable Paver Walkway

Give Your Amherst and Hollis, NH, Front Yard a New Look With a Noticeable Paver Walkway

In many ways, the front yard is responsible for people’s first impression perception of your home. This summer, you can give your Amherst and Hollis, NH front yard a new look with a noticeable paver walkway.

3 Masonry Ideas for Low-Maintenance Landscapes in Milford and Amherst NH Areas

3 Masonry Ideas for Low-Maintenance Landscapes in Milford and Amherst NH Areas

Your outdoor living space should be the part of your home where you feel most relaxed. It should be an oasis – designed for relaxation and peacefulness. It should be a place of rejuvenation and reflection. Here are three masonry ideas for low-maintenance landscapes in Milford and Amherst, NH areas.

Finding a Landscaper for your Amherst, NH raised beds

Finding a Landscaper for your Amherst, NH raised beds

Raised beds are a popular way to add character to a landscape design. They are also a great way to incorporate foliage and vegetation in problem areas with uneven elevation and less than desirable growing conditions. Raised beds can come in a variety of shapes and sizes, and they are constructed with different materials. When it comes to finding a landscaper for your Amherst, NH, raised beds, you should consider whether or not they can perform the design and construction specifications of the raised beds, in addition to ensuring the correct placement and maintenance of the plants.

6 questions to ask about French drains before excavation starts in Milford, NH

6 questions to ask about French drains before excavation starts in Milford, NH

If you are preparing for the installation of a French drain, you may find yourself still wondering exactly what a French drain does. You may also find yourself questioning whether you really need one. This is because the idea of having trenches dug in and around your property can be less than appealing. Here are some questions to ask before the French drain excavation begins at your Milford, NH property.

How a Landscaper Can Help Reduce Water Bills for Your Commercial Property in Amherst, NH

How a Landscaper Can Help Reduce Water Bills for Your Commercial Property in Amherst, NH

A hefty water bill is the last thing a business wants to deal with, especially if much of that water is going toward landscaping. However, there are solutions for keeping a commercial property looking beautiful while also minimizing its water use. Here is how a landscaper can help reduce water bills for your commercial property in Amherst, NH.

Prevent Damage to Your Foundation With a French Drain in Peterborough, NH

Prevent Damage to Your Foundation With a French Drain in Peterborough, NH

If you’re in constant worry every time the rain pours down because water frequently pools around the base of your home and enters your basement, it may be time for a change. Consider all the ways that a French drain can prevent flooding and damage to your Peterborough, NH, property.

Integrating Sustainability in Your Laconia, NH Landscape Design

Integrating Sustainability in Your Laconia, NH Landscape Design

A sustainable landscape looks beautiful, and it represents a lifestyle choice that honors the environment. It minimizes a home’s impact, enhances its value, and creates a habitat for wildlife. Here are eight tips for integrating sustainability for your Laconia, NH, landscape design.